Our proposal story: We had plans to go roping at Circle T Arena in Hamilton, Tx on July 4th weekend. On our way out of Big Spring, we stopped by our friends, Tye & K’Leigh’s house, and picked up their horse as they were to meet us at the roping that weekend, but were already down in Stephenville, Tx on vacation. In addition to their horse, we picked up K’Leigh’s professional camera (as she does photography), I didn’t think anything of it because I figured she just wanted to take pictures of the roping, but this should have been my first clue. We all had just finished a long day of team roping on July 4th, 2021 around 6:00 p.m. and I immediately went and changed out of my cute and patriotic red, white, and blue outfit into comfortable athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Kyle immediately asked, “why did you change, I wanted a picture together in your cute clothes?” Again..I remained clueless to this hint. He mentioned me changing about 2 other times and I still never had a thought cross my mind about it. I just told him I was hot and uncomfortable and ready to change clothes. We then went to wash all 3 horses off at the wash bays. Once we had gotten back to the horse trailer, K’Leigh was taking pictures of her little family with Tye’s new shiny buckle he had won that day. Kyle walked over to his horse, Jackie, who was standing right in front of me, and picked up one of her hoofs and pretended to start cleaning it out, he wasn’t facing me at this time, but I remember the thought crossed my head “well that’s odd, he never does that.” As he was doing this he started getting lower and lower to the ground. He then got on his knee, still not facing me, and I’m pretty sure I was watching K’Leigh take pictures of her family at this point or zoned out into the distance. Before I knew it, Kyle pivoted on his knee towards me and had a black box in his hand. I swear the first words that came out of my mouth were “What are you doing?!” The complete shock in my face with tears welling up in my eyes as I realized what was happening must have caught him off guard as well because he started to get emotional and all he could think to say was “Will you marry me?” You know the rest, of course I said “YES!” We then both were crying in the moment and K’Leigh was snapping pictures that crazy. She got the raw, beautiful moment captured so perfectly that you can see in our pictures. Kyle then went on to tell me he had a whole speech planned out but forgot it all when he saw my face and started to get choked up himself. I then went back into the horse trailer and changed clothes again into something cuter and we had an impromptu photoshoot graciously done by our sweet friend who helped so much in making this day so special.
Photographer | @karriwienersphoto
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