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I thought I was moving to Montana after chiropractic school, he patiently waited while I finished school and once I graduated he convinced me I needed to move back home and someday he’d buy me a cabin in the mountains.. the rest is history, I moved home, we moved in together, built my chiropractic office and had our daughter Landry.
Maddie & Nick met 10 years ago and have endured a long distance relationship for a large portion of their relationship so when it finally came time to signing the marriage certificate, Maddie was giddy with excitement, perhaps more so than any other time throughout the day. She was finally, officially married to the man that she once thought was far too good looking to ever notice her. A crazy notion considering Nick could not keep his eyes nor his hands off her from the moment they found each other at 2.30pm last Wednesday.
We found each other in a small bar on a Thursday night. It was love at first sight. He told his friends that night that he was going to marry me. I laughed and thought it was the alcohol talking, but here we are getting married in a short 6 months after being together for two years. We are so excited for our future together and the love we have for each other.
John’s family owns a lot of land on a butte in Oregon. The clouds were looking awesome that day, though we were a little nervous because all the way around us, it was snowing or raining pretty heavily. We had the perfect window of time for sun on this day! The session started out bright and cheery, but ended a little bit moody while drinking a beer and frolicking with the cows.
Joe and Martina decided to celebrate their 10 year anniversary with an anniversary session and we’re in love! Hang on till the end to see how they ended this fun session! Photographer: @randijunephotoLocation: Family Ranch in Visalia, CAHats: @ResistolBelt: @double D RanchHair pins: Mud LoweryMartina Boots: Old GringoMartina Shirt & Joe Jeans: Kimes Ranch Jeans
On Father’s Day of 2020 Ruben asked her to marry him in their home in front of both of their families. It was the easiest question she ever had to answer! They spent the next year planning their perfect western wedding. They got married September 18th 2021 at the Kitalou Gin in Lubbock Texas. Now they are both just enjoying their time together with their two dogs, and they can’t wait to start a family together!